Vision Plans

Our Vision benefits program offers a low vision and high vision option.


Our Vision benefits program offers a low vision and high vision option.

Vision plan benefits

Two vision benefits plans are available to provide clear-eyed direction to meet your needs. Both plans encourage preventative care but differ in coverage, copays, and frame allowance when purchasing corrective eye wear. VSP Members and families have access to exclusive member extras including discount pricing on hearing aids through TruHearing.

Both VSP vision plans offer coverage for:

Vision exam

Annual eye exams

Frames and Lenses

Including progressives and bifocals

Contact Lenses

In lieu of prescription eyeglasses

Corrective Surgery

Discounts for in-network providers

No ID required

The vision plan does not require an ID card. When you need vision care, just visit an in-network provider and let them know you’re a “VSP member.” Keep in mind, you will have to provide your Social Security number.

Additional Resources

Vision Service Plan (VSP)